Back fabric, foam, hair pins, Iranian female hair, artist’s hair
Installation shot from Dig and Rise exhibition at Kala Art Institute

Back fabric, foam, hair pins, Iranian female hair, artist’s hair
Detail shot from the 'Dig and Rise' exhibition at Kala Art Institute.

Back fabric, foam, hair pins, Iranian female hair, artist’s hair
Detail shot from the 'Dig and Rise' exhibition at Kala Art Institute.

Back fabric, foam, hair pins, Iranian female hair, artist’s hair
Installation shot from the 'Dig and Rise' exhibition at Kala Art Institute. Photo © James Ken Butler

Back fabric, foam, hair pins, Iranian female hair, artist’s hair
Detail shot from the 'Dig and Rise' exhibition at Kala Art Institute. Photo © James Ken Butler

55 x 60 Inch
Broken bottles of wine and beers, steel wire
Installation shot from 'Fight and Flight: Crafting A Bay Area Life' at the Museum of Craft and Design.

52 x 45 Inch
Broken bottles of wine and beers, steel wire

Installation shot of I sprout on My Wound installation at Aggregate Space Gallery

95 x 96 x 99 inch

95 x 96 x 99 inch

95 x 96 x 99 inch

95 x 96 x 99 inch

Iranian female hair, black fabric, wire

Iranian female hair, black fabric, wire

Video, loop

Once at Present Exhibition at Minnesota Street Project
Archival pigment print, plywood, metal, black fabric
98" in x 70” in x 55”

Floor-projected video, loop

Floor-projected video, loop

Archival pigment print, plywood, metal, black fabric
98" in X 70 in X 55”

Once at Present Exhibition at Minnesota Street Project
Archival pigment print, plywood, metal, black fabric
98" in x 70” in x 55”

Once at Present Exhibition at Minnesota Street Project
Archival pigment print, plywood, metal, black fabric
98" in x 70” in x 55”

Once at Present Exhibition at Minnesota Street Project
Archival pigment print, plywood, metal, black fabric
98" in x 70” in x 55”

Archival pigment print
3 (12 x 12 inch )

2018, Archival pigment print, black scarf, artist hair, 24 in x 40 in

Orium III Aggregate Space Gallery
Archival pigment print on silk, artist hair

Archival pigment print on silk, artist hair

Detail Shot from The Story of Us: CCA Faculty Exhibition
Archival pigment print on silk, artist hair
Photo by Nicholas Lea Bruno

Orium III Aggregate Space Gallery
Archival pigment print on silk, artist hair

2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft

Orium III Aggregate Space Gallery
Archival pigment print on silk, artist hair

2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft

2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft

2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft

2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft

2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft

2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft

2018, Archival Pigment Print, 21 (12x12 in)

2018, Archival Pigment Print, 21 (12x12 in)

2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)

2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)

2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)

2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)

2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)

2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)

2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)

2018, 3 monitors, 3 wooden frames, 3 video, 2:36 m, loop, 39 in x 81 in

2018, 3 monitors, 3 wooden frames, 3 video, 2:36 m, loop, 39 in x 81 in

Installation shot
2018, 3 monitors, 3 wooden frames, 3 video, 2:36 m, loop

Installation Shot
2018, Archival pigment print, staples, dirt, artist hair, monitor, wooden frame, video,

2018, Dirt, artist hair, 85 in x 55 in

2018, Dirt, artist hair, 85 in x 55 in

2018, Dirt, artist hair, 85 in x 55 in

2018, Dirt, artist hair, 85 in x 55 in

2018, Dirt, artist hair, 85 in x 55 in

2018, Archival pigment print, staples, wooden board, 24x 24 in

2018, Archival pigment print, staples, wooden board, 24x 24 in

2018, Archival pigment print, staples, wooden board, 24x 28 in

2018, Archival pigment print, staples, wooden board, 24x 28 in

2017, Archival pigment print, staples, wooden board board, 24x 28 in

SelfHood II, Lights

MFA Final Exhibition
SelfHood I, Lights, SelfHood II

Monitor, wooden frame, 2:11 m video, loop

2017, Video, 2:11 m, Loop

2017, Video, 2:11 m, Loop

2017, Archival pigment print, staples, artist hair, 4x6 in

2016, Archival pigment print, 30x40 in

2018, Archival pigment print, 24x50 in

2018, Archival pigment print, 24x50 in

2018, Archival pigment print, 24x50 in

2018, Archival pigment print, 24x50 in

2018, Archival pigment print, 4 (24x50 in)

2016, Dirt, broken wine bottle, frame

Back fabric, foam, hair pins, Iranian female hair, artist’s hair
Installation shot from Dig and Rise exhibition at Kala Art Institute
Back fabric, foam, hair pins, Iranian female hair, artist’s hair
Detail shot from the 'Dig and Rise' exhibition at Kala Art Institute.
Back fabric, foam, hair pins, Iranian female hair, artist’s hair
Detail shot from the 'Dig and Rise' exhibition at Kala Art Institute.
Back fabric, foam, hair pins, Iranian female hair, artist’s hair
Installation shot from the 'Dig and Rise' exhibition at Kala Art Institute. Photo © James Ken Butler
Back fabric, foam, hair pins, Iranian female hair, artist’s hair
Detail shot from the 'Dig and Rise' exhibition at Kala Art Institute. Photo © James Ken Butler
55 x 60 Inch
Broken bottles of wine and beers, steel wire
Installation shot from 'Fight and Flight: Crafting A Bay Area Life' at the Museum of Craft and Design.
52 x 45 Inch
Broken bottles of wine and beers, steel wire
Installation shot of I sprout on My Wound installation at Aggregate Space Gallery
95 x 96 x 99 inch
95 x 96 x 99 inch
95 x 96 x 99 inch
95 x 96 x 99 inch
Iranian female hair, black fabric, wire
Iranian female hair, black fabric, wire
Video, loop
Once at Present Exhibition at Minnesota Street Project
Archival pigment print, plywood, metal, black fabric
98" in x 70” in x 55”
Floor-projected video, loop
Floor-projected video, loop
Archival pigment print, plywood, metal, black fabric
98" in X 70 in X 55”
Once at Present Exhibition at Minnesota Street Project
Archival pigment print, plywood, metal, black fabric
98" in x 70” in x 55”
Once at Present Exhibition at Minnesota Street Project
Archival pigment print, plywood, metal, black fabric
98" in x 70” in x 55”
Once at Present Exhibition at Minnesota Street Project
Archival pigment print, plywood, metal, black fabric
98" in x 70” in x 55”
Archival pigment print
3 (12 x 12 inch )
2018, Archival pigment print, black scarf, artist hair, 24 in x 40 in
Orium III Aggregate Space Gallery
Archival pigment print on silk, artist hair
Archival pigment print on silk, artist hair
Detail Shot from The Story of Us: CCA Faculty Exhibition
Archival pigment print on silk, artist hair
Photo by Nicholas Lea Bruno
Orium III Aggregate Space Gallery
Archival pigment print on silk, artist hair
2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft
Orium III Aggregate Space Gallery
Archival pigment print on silk, artist hair
2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft
2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft
2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft
2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft
2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft
2018, Dirt, broken wine and beer bottles, Iranian female hair, , artist hair, 20 ft x 12 ft x 1 ft
2018, Archival Pigment Print, 21 (12x12 in)
2018, Archival Pigment Print, 21 (12x12 in)
2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)
2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)
2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)
2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)
2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)
2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)
2018, Archival Pigment Print, 18 (12x12 in)
2018, 3 monitors, 3 wooden frames, 3 video, 2:36 m, loop, 39 in x 81 in
2018, 3 monitors, 3 wooden frames, 3 video, 2:36 m, loop, 39 in x 81 in
Installation shot
2018, 3 monitors, 3 wooden frames, 3 video, 2:36 m, loop
Installation Shot
2018, Archival pigment print, staples, dirt, artist hair, monitor, wooden frame, video,
2018, Dirt, artist hair, 85 in x 55 in
2018, Dirt, artist hair, 85 in x 55 in
2018, Dirt, artist hair, 85 in x 55 in
2018, Dirt, artist hair, 85 in x 55 in
2018, Dirt, artist hair, 85 in x 55 in
2018, Archival pigment print, staples, wooden board, 24x 24 in
2018, Archival pigment print, staples, wooden board, 24x 24 in
2018, Archival pigment print, staples, wooden board, 24x 28 in
2018, Archival pigment print, staples, wooden board, 24x 28 in
2017, Archival pigment print, staples, wooden board board, 24x 28 in
SelfHood II, Lights
MFA Final Exhibition
SelfHood I, Lights, SelfHood II
Monitor, wooden frame, 2:11 m video, loop
2017, Video, 2:11 m, Loop
2017, Video, 2:11 m, Loop
2017, Archival pigment print, staples, artist hair, 4x6 in
2016, Archival pigment print, 30x40 in
2018, Archival pigment print, 24x50 in
2018, Archival pigment print, 24x50 in
2018, Archival pigment print, 24x50 in
2018, Archival pigment print, 24x50 in
2018, Archival pigment print, 4 (24x50 in)
2016, Dirt, broken wine bottle, frame